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Big J in New Orleans

last updated June, 2024

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A no-frills web site documenting my career change and relocation to the Greater New Orleans area. The most recent entries are listed first.

154. 6/7/2024 - Math Smarts

Is "Smart" a verb or noun here? You decide.  Fun collaboration with some of my favorite kids. (includes song/animation)

153. 6/9/2023 - Perfection

Common algebra errors… dark(?) sarcasm in the classroom… teachers who take their course too seriously… students ensnared by the illusion of “perfection”… (includes song/animation)

152. 11/25/2021 - Kong

Goobye to the most extraordinarily sweet kitty I've ever known.

151. 9/xx/2021 - Year Sixteen

Oh, you're still here? Let's catch up after 4-5 years.   

150. 2/27/2017 - Careless Errors

Three years since our last jam, time for the Math Department to go back into the studio. (includes song/animation)

149. 8/14/2016 - Year Eleven

Looking back on my 11th year of teaching and the summer that followed.

148. 10/27/2015 - Unflattening

A Math poem/animation written for Curly P's wedding (includes poem/video)

147. 9/7/2015 - Nerdin' Out

Looking back on my 10th year of teaching and the summer that followed.

146. 5/9/2015 - Helen "Jo" White

Remembering my grandmother who inspired me as a former schoolteacher and in many other ways.

145. 1/1/2015 - Mr. White is a ______

The new calendar year marks halftime in the 2014-15 school year. Here's how it goes so far.

144. 8/5/2014 - Keeping Score

Planned to write this all summer, but waited until the day before returning to work. Procrastination at its finest.

143. 6/28/2014 - Lonesome Limit

A Mathematical love poem dedicated to the underappreciated Calculus topic of Limits (includes poem/video)

142. 3/14/2014 - Back That Math Up

It's been over two years since the Lusher Math Department dropped a dope jam, but on Pi day 2014, the wait ends now (includes song/animation)

141. 1/1/2013 - Newness

Time for a long-overdue progress report on my teaching travels, plus math poem on "Transformation" (includes poem/animation)

140. 11/10/2012 - Lady Logarithm

So you thought Sinusoidal Curve was the hottest math love poem on the Internet? Not if Lady Logarithm has anything to say about it! (includes poem/video)

139. 8/28/2012 - Hurricane Isaac

The latest gift from the Gulf is set to bring bad news on the seventh anniversary of Katrina.

138. 7/30/2012 - Seven Down

Holy crapola, eight months since my last posting. So you'll understand if this one is a little lengthy.

137. 11/30/2011 - Rebirth of Math (Cool Like Math)

“The babes’ll go spastic, Hip hop gains a classic.” (includes song/animation)

136. 11/24/2011 - Thankful

Thanksgiving thoughts. Positive and cynicism-free.

135. 10/1/2011 - Lucky 7

Almost one quarter into my seventh year of teaching, clowning around and nerding out still keep my spirits up.

134. 8/7/2011 - End of Summer

Reciting poetry, fulfilling a silly challenge to my students, and looking ahead to another school year.

133. 6/26/2011 - Love Triangle

Another sexy, not-at-all-creepy mathematical love poem. (includes poem/animation)

132. 5/28/2011 - Year Six Ends

Add one more notch to my teaching belt. Dang, I had some really cool students this year.

131. 5/8/2011 - Eye On Deriving

An early eighties underdog anthem for my AP Calculus kiddies. (includes song/video)

130. 12/30/2010 - Prime

Finding myself older and wiser. Well, certainly one of those and hopefully both.

129. 12/12/2010 - Nat West

My dear friend –more like a father since my move to Louisiana– passes away.

128. 12/3/2010 - Super Geek

Bringin’ in ‘da noise, bringin’ in ‘da funk. Perhaps more of the former, less of the latter. (includes song/animation)

Hey look, this entry number is 2 raised to an exponent of 7 (or, 1000000 in binary). Super Geeky.

127. 11/25/2010 - Thankful

Only Thanksgiving day can promise a complaint-free, sarcasm-free, negativity-free posting

126. 10/10/2010 - Good Times

Year #6 of teaching career off to a good start

125. 8/29/2010 - Katrina + 5

Felt obliged to jot a few thoughts about “the storm.”

124. 8/6/2010 - DFK

Readin’ ‘Ritin’ and ‘Rithmeticin’ over my summer vacation (listed in reverse order of time spent)

123. 6/29/2010 - Sinusoidal Curve (music video)

A sultry, seductive math music video created in collaboration with some very talented media arts students (includes poem/video)

122. 6/14/2010 - 99 Word Problems

So what’s your favorite memory from math class? Say it with me: Word Problems! (includes song)

121. 5/28/2010 - Year Five Ends

Holy crap, I can’t believe I’ve been doing this teaching thing and living in Louisiana for five years.

120. 3/7/2010 - Spring Fling

An old flame reignites. No, I’m not talking about a woman, silly.

119. 2/15/2010 - Super Mardi Gras

New Mayor elect. Super Bowl champion Saints. Mardi Gras. Pretty cool, NOLA.

118. 2/14/2010 - It’s Not You…

Thought of trying to find a good woman before Valentine’s Day. Made a cartoon instead (includes animation)

117. 12/30/2009 - Perfectly Square

Pardon me, did I mention it’s ma birfday?

116. 12/2/2009 - Mama Said Do Some Math

The old-skool-flavored hits just don’t stop… they won’t stop…even if you wish they would stop (includes song/animation)

115. 11/27/2009 - Thankful

We interrupt this Thanksgiving break for some positive words

114. 8/29/2009 - Year Five Begins

Katrina’s fourth birthday, and a sultry poem for all the math lovers out there (includes video)

113. 8/2/2009 - Summer Vacation

My entire summer vacation summarized in a mere nine sentences (includes videos)

112. 6/5/2009 - Seeking Jackie

Four years down in my teaching career, x-4 to go. Random stuff about this past school year, my toddler buddy, and a mystery woman (includes several videos and images)

111. 5/18/2009 - Goodbye Seniors

Had to go back a few more years… actually, a few decades to find a song that could provide the basis for a fitting farewell to this year’s graduating seniors (includes song/animation)

110. 4/25/2009 - Retake

Had to go back a couple years to find a song that could inspire another Mista Whizz-ite jam, but Ms. Winehouse is just what I was looking for. (includes song/animation)

109. 4/18/2009 - Spring Again

The season’s changed, and the end of the school year is in sight.

108. 2/24/2009 - Mardi Gras

Lesson planning and mathematical diversions have been occupying my time lately. (includes lotsa images)

107. 1/1/2009 - A Simple Serenade

Placeholder for something that might be posted someday.

106. 12/30/2008 - Special Number

And you thought this was just an ordinary number. (includes photos)

105. 11/29/2008 - It’s Tricky (the A.M.C.)

Another super-dope funky-fresh jam celebrating a math contest with old-school history. (includes song/animation)

104. 11/27/2008 - Thankful

On Thanksgiving I honor my annual one-day commitment to smile and just say nice things. (includes photos)

103. 11/2/2008 - Lame

Put on your boots. It’s time to kick some old school. (includes song/animation)

102. 11/2/2008 - Finally

Finally reaching a few long-awaited milestones. (includes photos and a few animations)

101. 9/7/2008 - Gustav

The underachieving second child of all storms chases us away for a few days. (includes photos)

100. 8/27/2008 - I Solved For X

Got your toast? Mista Whizz-ite gots the jam. (includes song and cover art)

99. 8/4/2008 - Time Traveling

Cleaning out the boxes in my mom’s garage yields a bunch of photos and relics I hadn’t seen in years. (includes a whole lotta photos and a few animations)

98. 7/13/2008 - OMG

Like, ohmygod, you are so not going to believe what I did today…

97. 6/8/2008 - Three Down

Three years of teaching down, only XX more to go until retirement. (includes photos)

96. 4/27/2008 - Math In This Class

Mista Whizz-ite returns to the studio, and smooths it out for all the foxy mathematical mamas. (includes song, cover art, photos, & video)

95. 3/25/2008 - Sextangles

The young ‘uns these days get involved in some pretty crazy stuff. (includes photos)

94. 2/9/2008 - Slow

Mista Whizz-ite goes back to the recording studio. (includes song and cover art)

93. 2/9/2008 - Over the Hump

Mardi Gras, grad school classes, and an anniversary. (includes photos)

92. 1/13/2008 - Maddy

The tragic death of a student shakes our school and community. (includes photo)

91. 12/30/2007 - S.L.O.T.H.S.

My cartoons tend to rely on themes of either bitter romance or the classroom. Guess which one this cartoon targets? (includes Flash Animation)

90. 12/30/2007 - Home

Just returned from vacation to CA, and naturally my first thought is to update my web site. (includes photos & an audio clip made for my classroom)

89. 11/22/2007 - Thankful

Being appreciative on my third Thanksgiving in Louisiana. (includes photos and brief Flash Animation)

88. 9/29/2007 - Sinful

Mr. White reflects on a life of debauchery and depravity. (includes photos)

87. 8/18/2007 - Year #3 Begins

Scrambling to keep up during the first week of my third year in teaching has left me exhausted and hoarse, but I’m cautiously looking forward to a good year. (includes photos and Flash Game)

86. 7/31/2007 - Coffee Shop

Even though I feel more generally-optimistic than I’ve felt in a long time, for some reason I felt compelled to rail against modern coffee shops. What an inspired way to end my summer vacation. (includes photos)

85. 7/20/2007 - A Real G

Summertime memoir of a real Mathside gangsta (includes photos)

84. 7/8/2007 - GNOWP

I just finished participating in the Greater New Orleans Writing Project. Here’s how it went. (includes related writings, photos, and Flash Animations)

83. 7/8/2007 - Nothingness

Another school year down! Only about 30 more til retirement. (includes lotsa photos)

82. 5/20/2007 - Social Flutterby

As the 2006/2007 school year winds down, I’m wishing I was even half this cool when I was half this age. (includes photos)

81. 4/29/2007 - Just Flirtin’

I started this cartoon last year, and finally got around to finishing it. (includes a Flash Animation)

80. 4/29/2007 - Spring Cleaning

Random assortment of updates with lotsa pictures. (includes photos)

79. 4/10/2007 - DC Trip, Part 2

A subway encounter in DC deserves its own separate entry. Be forewarned, it’s kinda pathetic.

78. 4/10/2007 - DC Trip, Part 1

A convention takes me to the nation’s capitol for the first time. (includes photos)

77. 4/08/2007 - Future Poet Laureate

Mista Whizz-ite drops some mad literary bombs at a poetry open-mic night. (includes photo and audio and video)

76. 3/22/2007 - Random Riddles

A parade, a friend’s first published short story, and a few more of the poems I send in with my weekly lesson plans. (includes photos)

75. 2/25/2007 - Proud Poppa

Surprise, I’m a daddy! (includes photos)

74. 2/20/2007 - Happy Mardi Gras

Resolution of a phony feud, another math contest, Valentine’s day, and Mardi Gras! Yep, life marches forward even when I neglect keeping this web site updated. (includes photos and video)

73. 1/05/2007 - Reliving Glory Days

One of my student’s participation in a math contest brings back great memories of my math “glory days” (includes photos)

72. 12/27/2006 - Gusher at Lusher

My feud with the English teacher at Lusher comes to a head in the final school days of 2006. What a blast!!! (includes lotsa photos and video)

71. 12/10/2006 - Rambling Randomness

This update is kinda long, and jumps sporadically between a variety of topics. C’mon, you know you wanna read it. (includes photo)

70. 11/23/2006 - Meant To Tell You

Hay, why not procrastinate further with a Flash cartoon? (includes a Flash Animation)

69. 11/23/2006 - Thanks

It’s Thanksgiving, and I’ve yet to start my 40-page report for my certification program (due in six days). Why not procrastinate by updating my web site?

68. 11/06/2006 - Still Here

I decide to take a two or three week break from this website, and it turns into two months. Terrible!

67. 9/10/2006 - Ummmmmmm

Three weeks into the Lusher school year, my stories lack the dramatic punch of last year’s. That’s not a bad thing.

66. 8/26/2006 - First Week at Lusher

Ready or not, we’re off and running with the 2006-07 school year. (includes photos)

65. 8/12/2006 - Waiting to Open

This week I met my new colleagues at Lusher. The students will report on the 15th... or will they?

64. 8/1/2006 - Summer Break

This summer provided a welcome break. Now it’s time to get ready for the 2006-07 school year. (includes photos)

63. 7/30/2006 - Howareya?

On a whim, I revisit my very first Flash animation, which I failed to complete three years ago. (includes a Flash Animation)

62. 7/28/2006 - Mr. White’s Classroom 2006

An animation in honor (or ridicule) of my beloved West Jeff kiddies. (includes a Flash Animation)

61. 6/07/2006 - One More Thing…

Journal entry: My hunt for a new apartment in New Orleans wraps up quickly. (includes photos)

60. 6/02/2006 - Goodbye!

Journal entry: The school year is finally over! In what may be my last journal entry for a while, I look back on the past year and ahead to the next one. (includes photos)

59. 5/27/2006 - Home Stretch

Journal entry: Yesterday, Friday May 26, marked the passing of one year since I moved out to southern Louisiana. This year I shared some reflections on the past year with my students as we wrap up the school year. Also, I demonstrated the magic of Photoshop to my students. (includes photos)

58. 5/21/2006 - Making Plans

Journal entry: Making plans doesn’t seem to work out here, but here I go looking ahead to the upcoming school year. Will I end up at Bonnabel or West Jefferson? This week I accepted an offer.

57. 5/14/2006 - The Price of Tea in China

Journal entry: A random assortment of thoughts and happenings with no common theme tying them together.

56. 5/06/2006 - Hooey

Journal entry: I swear I don’t intend to be so long winded, but certain claims in last week’s entry needed to be corrected. Read on though, as I received a couple “gifts” that made this a very cool week. (includes photos)

55. 4/29/2006 - Little Things

Journal entry: As usual, multiple small factors tend to determine whether I have a good or bad week. (includes photos)

54. 4/22/2006 - Four Strikes

Journal entry: This week I gained a little better understanding of why students suddenly disappear from my roster.

53. 4/14/2006 - Mr. White’s Honor Roll

Journal entry: Many students are clearly struck with Spring fever, and more psychotic girls attacked each other this week. However, I don’t even mention those bozos in this entry. It’s kinda long, but enjoy the positivity while supplies last.

52. 4/08/2006 - Education Optional

Journal entry: With less than two months to go in the school year, I still haven’t convinced too many students that school is important.

51. 4/01/2006 - Fights, Faculty Funk, and Fs

Journal entry: Regarding rebel students, restless faculty, report cards, responsibilities, and more. (includes photos)

50. 3/25/2006 - This is a Test

Journal entry: Louisiana’s standardized testing week was supposed to be calm and uneventful.

49. 3/19/2006 - Thankful for the Support

Journal entry: A good support network of fellow teachers helps me stay sane in this ridiculous year. (includes photos)

48. 3/11/2006 - My Team in the Blame Game

Journal entry: Teamwork is the theme of this entry. Go Bad News Bears! (includes a Flash animation)

47. 3/04/2006 - Six months later

Journal entry: A half year ago, I launched my teaching career. A week later, that hurricane steered everything in a whole different direction. (includes photo)

46. 2/28/2006 - Thank You Miss

Journal entry: Instead of tarnishing my pristine morals on Bourbon Street this “Fat Tuesday,” I’ve spent most of the day finishing my latest cartoon. (includes a Flash animation)

45. 2/27/2006 - Mardi Gras Weekend

Journal entry: The “Fat Tuesday” vacation is finally here. Goals for the weekend: Reexamine my perspective on teaching, and have some fun with friends. (includes photos)

44. 2/18/2006 - Ups and Downs

Journal entry: Brief entry about a crummy week.

43. 2/11/2006 - The Great Dumbdown

Journal entry: Crazy J lowers slows the pace of his classes to rock-bottom levels! Some students finally choose to jump on board while the offer is still available.

42. 2/03/2006 - Pseudo-progress

Journal entry: Is this the breakthrough week when more than half of my students pass the quiz? Guess...

41. 1/28/2006 - Suck it up and get better

Journal entry: As the 3rd grading quarter begins, Mr. White practicies his preaching skills. (includes preview of new Flash animation)

40. 1/22/2006 - Sponsored by the Letter F

Journal entry: There are still some bright moments out here, although delivering the 2nd quarter grades to my students won’t be one of them. (includes photos)

39. 1/15/2006 - UnGreat Expectations

Journal entry: My anxieties lessen each week, but I’m still getting adjusting to the generally-low academic levels in my classes. (includes photos)

38. 1/07/2006 - New Year

Journal entry: First week of the new year starts with optimism. I’m slowly settling in at West Jefferson, and returning TGNO friends are lifting my spirits. (includes photos)

37. 12/28/2005 - Winter Vacation

Journal entry: I just spent a great week back home in California. Home sweet home. (includes photos)

36. 12/17/2005 - Adjusting to West Jefferson

Journal entry: I complete my first full week at West Jefferson High School, and joyfully begin winter vacation! (includes photos)

35. 12/10/2005 - Starting over, again

Journal entry: After several days in employment limbo, I get transferred to West Jefferson High School. Beware, it’s another long entry describing the eventful week.

34. 12/03/2005 - Leaving Bonnabel

Journal entry: I’ve never had to leave a job involuntarily before. This week, I get two jobs taken away from me in two days.

33. 11/24/2005 - Thankful

Journal entry: In this Thanksgiving day entry I kinda get, like, all mature and introspective and stuff.

32. 11/24/2005 - Mr. White’s Classroom

Journal entry: Over my Thanksgiving holidays, I get reacquainted with some old friends. Specifically, Photoshop and Flash. (includes an original Flash animation)

31. 11/19/2005 - The New Mr. White

Journal entry: If you can’t beat ‘em, then beat ‘em up.

30. 11/11/2005 - Growing Pains

Journal entry: On the long road to Superfantasticteacherville, Mr. White can’t wait to cross the border out of Crappybeginnerland.

29. 11/05/2005 - Little Heathens

Journal entry: Did I conclude last week's entry with too much hope and optimism? Here, lemme fix that.

28. 10/28/2005 - My precious students (Labels included)

Journal entry: With two weeks left in the grading period, lemme take a momemt to talk about these adorable precious little angels.

27. 10/21/2005 - End of week #3

Journal entry: Hurricane Wilma is bypassing New Orleans, while some students wish they could bypass my class.

26. 10/16/2005 - End of week #2

Journal entry: Where are the troublemakers in my class? Oh, here they come. Plus, various other updates. (includes photos)

25. 10/14/2005 - Goodbye Macy

Journal entry: My sweet little pet rat Macy dies. (includes photos)

24. 10/07/2005 - The second first week of school

Journal entry: Completion of the first week after the reopening of Bonnabel High School. (includes photos)

23. 10/07/2005 - Los Gatos Weekly Times article

Newspaper: I'm famous! Okay, not really. However, an article in a community newspaper describes my recent adventures.

22. 9/30/2005 - Planning is so old fashioned

Journal entry: Uncertain future of TGNO certification program; uncertain future with Bonnabel High School. (includes photos)

21. 9/25/2005 - like whatever, rita

Email to friends/family: tha like totally lame (locally, at least) passing of hurricane rita.

20. 9/23/2005 - Lovely Rita

Email to friends/family: Bracing for another hurricane. (includes photos)

19. 9/16/2005 - Moving back to Louisiana

Email to friends/family: Surprise announcement that we can go back home? (includes photos)

18. 9/xx/2005 - Evacuation reflections

Journal entry: Details recalled about the first week of school, followed by the Katrina evacuation.
(written in late 9/2005)

17. 9/02/2005 - Nat & Joan are well!

Email to family: Message conveying that my local “family” are okay

16. 8/31/2005 - Re: Bracing for Katrina

Email to family: Message assuring that there’s no need to worry about me

15. 8/30/2005 - Re: Bracing for Katrina

Email to friends/family: Message sent immediately after passing of Hurricane Katrina winds

14. 8/29/2005 - Bracing for Katrina

Email to friends/family: Message sent just prior to landfall of Hurricane Katrina

13. 8/xx/2005 - Mr. White’s classroom

Journal entry: Anticipating the first day of school.
(written in 9/2005)

12. 8/xx/2005 - Jerome’s Moving Company

Journal entry: Have I finally found a place where I can settle down?
(written in 9/2005)

11. 8/xx/2005 - The romance is gone

Journal entry: Practical overtakes Romantic in the search for a place to live.
(written in 9/2005)

10. 8/xx/2005 - Don’t get too comfy

Journal entry: Still having trouble settling in
(written in 9/2005)

9. 8/xx/2005 - Welcome back to the neighborhood

Journal entry: Okay, let’s try this move-in again.
(written in 9/2005)

8. 7/xx/2005 - Welcome to the neighborhood

Journal entry: I finally move into my own New Orleans apartment, and then... (includes photos)
(written in 9/2005)

7. 7/19/2005 - Bonnabel High given federal grant

Newspaper: Times-Picayune article about grant that will eventually convert Bonnabel High School into a career academy.

6. 7/17/2005 - Girly Apartment

Email to family/friends: With one month before school starts, where will I go live?
Includes link to apartment page.

5. 7/08/2005 - wet! (Windy Cindy)

Email to friends: A reply to a few former coworkers who had written to ask how I was coping with Cindy, the first big storm to batter Greater New Orleans.

4. 7/04/2005 - Didn’t see this one coming

Email to family: An unexpected tentative job offer from Bonnabel High School (Not shared with friends until offer became official)

3. 6/26/2005 - Sweatin’ it out / Will work for... money

Email to friends/family: First summer training session just finished; School system in disarray; guarantee of jobs looks shakey

2. 6/05/2005 - Email to the Ratlady

Email to rat authority Debbie "the Ratlady" Ducommun: Details my successful air transport of Macy.

1. 5/30/2005 - Greetings from New Orleans!

Email to family: First impressions after only a few days in LA.